Tuesday, May 14, 2019

flexAEM Remediation Calculator Toolkit's new Transform Calculator Utility

Recently, the flexAEM Remediation Calculator Toolkit was updated and expanded to reflect the new features and software enhancements included in the latest version of AnAqSim (2019-1). The expanded Toolkit now includes the “Transform Calculator” utility, which allows the user to take one of the 15 calculators and manipulate the calculator geometry to better match your site’s spatial coordinates and groundwater flow direction.    

The Transform Calculator utility translates the lower left corner of the calculator to match the entered coordinates, it then rotates and scales the calculator to the desired angle and size to fit with site x-y coordinates (we recommend using feet or meters).

Each input to the Transform Calculator utility is briefly described below:

Select Calculator:
·         Select 1 of the 15 calculators provided in the toolkit.

X Translation:
·         Moves the calculator along the x-axis.

Y Translation:
·         Moves the calculator along the y-axis.

Rotation (degrees):
·         Rotates your calculator counterclockwise from the x-axis around the origin (lower left corner) of the selected calculator.

X Dimension:
·         Sets the length of your calculator along its no-flow boundary (the selected calculator’s x-axis). All base calculators start out as 5000 x 5000. Negative numbers will mirror the model around the y-axis (this may create some issues, rotating by 180 degrees is better).

Y Dimension:
·         Sets the length of your calculator along its constant head boundary (the selected calculator’s y-axis). All base calculators start out as 5000 x 5000. Negative numbers will mirror the model around the x-axis (this may create some issues, rotating by 180 degrees is better).

Output File Name:
·         Enter a name for your calculator (saves in the flexAEM Remediation Calculator Toolkit folder) or Browse to save your calculator in a different location.

·         Transforms the selected calculator and saves it with the Output File Name.

Once the calculator transformation is complete, a .dxf map of key site features can be imported into AnAqSim to quickly and easily visualize the transformed calculator for your site, and produce report ready graphics. Below, the Funnel & Gate calculator has been rotated by 15 degrees and adjusted in the X and Y directions to match site coordinates. Finally, a .dxf site map has been brought into the transformed Funnel & Gate calculator using Plot Input / What to Plot and selecting color from the Basemap drop down menu and then Selecting the Basemap_File for the site.

To learn more, or to purchase the newly updated and expanded Remediation Calculator Toolkit (including the Calculator Transform utility), visit the flexAEMCalculator Toolkits page today!